Sunday, April 26, 2009
In class, we talked about how Hayles said that we are separate from technology and that we will always be. She thinks that we work together as one and that a computer can do the things that a human can. The human can experience the emotional cues that are sometime needed to make a task successful. I learned in my psychology class that too much emotion leads to rationalization but too little, can lead to poor decision making. But what if one day, maybe not soon but in the future, we become part of the computer? Take a look at this clip that came out roughly seven years ago.
Though it may seem too far away to ever happen and even unreal, it really is not. As fast as technology changes, one day we could see something like this PS9. My point is that I believe that Hayles is right about how we should be more cautious. I believe that we are cyborgs and that one day the machine may entirely take over. Just think about how we process words in our head. Each letter is pulled from our long term memory to make a word and then say it out loud. This is cued by a stimuli that we are programed to respond to. We think like computers already, even to make simple text. We created the computer based on how we process information.
When I take a look at this video, I think about the loss of our humanity. This technology makes stepping outside a little harder when you can step into a virtual world and do anything you can imagine. I believe it is already happening. It kind of reminds me of the matrix and how they were"prisoners" in their made up world. Where will it stop and will we ever lose the distinction between real and virtual like they did? It's like ripples in the water: they start out small and rapidly expand.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
To Ryan Hard
To Ryan Hard,
I will see you again
Sunday, April 19, 2009
This is my Club
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Hello, I am Crywarrior. Oh, and Deathloom.

Monday, March 16, 2009
RPG's and Bolter

This game is called Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. This game itself was countlessly awarded and recognized for it
new and interactive game play. By new, I'm meaning new game play interaction to the role playing genre. The game lets you manipulate the story based on the decisions you make in the game. In the story you are a Jedi that has lost his memories and journeys along to regain them. As you quest along you are met by good and bad decisions. If you make dark choices you are drawn closer to the darkside of the force. If you make good one the lightside is your path. At the end of the game the ending is greatly determined by the choices you have made in your quest.
As you can see in the video the player interacts with the story by communicating with the non-player characters. When they stop speaking the player is open to ask more questions or make a decision which can lead to a different part of the story. So the selection 1. and 2. statements act like a hypertext. The hypertext like in the stories which Bolter discuss have the same elements. It makes me wonder what lies ahead with this new text interaction.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
My Grandma can do it

My brother works at Computer Dimensions, the Apple store. The other day we got into a deep conversation about the new Imacs that are about to come out. I was thinking about buying one of the latest models, but he told me to wait. Steve Jobs was trying to keep the computers a secret, but our friend recently went to a Mac convention in Las Vagas and heard about them. He had to sign a release form about keeping his mouth closed, but he shared it with his boys. Now, I cannot say what is going to be put into the computers, but they are going to be amazing. I will never understand how technology keeps advancing so rapidly. I have had a computer since I was 12, and every 6 months something new comes out. I can never keep up. I bought my first Mac last year, and it was top of the line. Now, it's 1,000 dollars cheaper and slower than the rest. It's exhausting trying to keep up with technology because it changes too fast.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Head to head with Granny

My brother works at the Apple store called Computer Dimensions. We got into a deep conversation the other day while talking about the new Imacs that are about to come out. I was thinking about buying one of the latest models but he told me to wait. Steve Jobs was trying to keep it a secret but our friend recently went to mac world and heard about them. He had to sign a release about keeping his mouth closed but he shared it with his boys. Now I cant say what is going to be put into the computers but I was amazed. I will just never understand how technology moves so fast. I have had computer since I was 12, and every 6 months something new comes out and I can just never keep up. I bought my first Mac last year it was top of the line. Now it's 1,000 dollars cheaper and slower than the rest. To me its just exhausting trying to keep up, things change to fast. Which then brings me to my point. He then tells me about this one old couple that came into the store a few days ago. They knew what they wanted and got to the point. They walked up to him and said "I need a computer with a webcam and lots of gigabytes for my photos and music". He was pretty shocked that they new what they were talking about. My brother asked them how they new so much about computer technology. They told him that their grandchildren showed them. That the computer was the way to stay close to them, cause that's what was important to them. The older man said "he might me old but he can still learn a thing or two". They then told him that this was their 3rd computer to buy in 2 years. I was like wow! I've only had 3 in the last 10 years. It made me feel like I was behind them. But then I got to thinking about my grandma and how she would ask me about coming over and helping her learn some stuff about their computer but I really just never took the time. I never really had the patients for her. However it wasn't long before she was sending me E Greetings through my email. Then she would pop up and IM me on AOL. Despite what some may think about old people trying to keep up with technology as being difficult. I assure that if they want to they will find a way.
About Me

- Jonathan Ramirez
- Beaumont, Tx
- I am 22 and a Psychology major. I am a screen writer who loves RPG video games. I am also an long distance runner, have been most of my life. My passions include drawing, writing, and eating.
Blog Archive
10 things I want to do before I die
- Become the greatest father for my children.
- Run 26 miles (without stopping)
- Have a baby girl no matter how many boys I have to have
- Get lost in the Wilderness
- Win an Oscar
- Voice a cartoon character
- Have a near death experience
- swim in the deep ocean (scary)
- Sky dive
- Learn to fly a plane
Ramirez Audio Visual Entertainment
My Blog List
Chichi's Magic15 years ago
Language Revitalized15 years ago
Twitter15 years ago
Audio Books15 years ago